Digital Safety Training for Female Journalists Screenshot_20201201-144435_WhatsApp Screenshot_20201201-144405_WhatsApp Chowoo Willly Conducting a session on Device Security Willy showing a participant how to turn on Two factor Authentication on her Mobile Device Participants listening attentively to our Trainner as he elaboartes more on the importance of device security to Journalists. Participants being taken through the importance of Mobile device security Screenshot_20210202-141706_WhatsApp A participant sharing her experience with Cyber Bulling that made her to almost quit the journalism profession. Ruth helping out a participant with how to change a password as many have had the same password for more than 4 years. Screenshot_20210202-141649_WhatsApp Ruth helping out a participant with how to change a password as many have had the same password for more than 4 years. Screenshot_20210202-141804_WhatsApp